ID: | #1685 |
Price: | $ 395,000 |
Type: | Apartment-精品公寓 |
Contract: | For Sale |
Location: | Melbourne, VIC |
Bathrooms: | 1或2卫浴 |
Bedrooms: | 1至3卧房 |
Area: | 50--286m2 |
Rating: |
A pinnacle of modern living, The Eminence introduces Melbourne to a new elegance in architectural design. A distinguished address that rubs shoulders with authentic Europe and modern Melbourne is home to an exclusive collaboration between highly awarded Plus Architects and Mim Design. Experience fourteen levels of elite apartment living at this showpiece location that entertains the best of both worlds, Carlton culture and Melbourne city convenience, for a rich inner life.
The Eminence坐落在墨尔本的中心地段,集成了繁华的大都市精彩生活的所有元素,遥步之距可到维多利亚市场Victoria Market ,林立的商店、琳琅的美食、星级的时装及世界级的艺术表演,加上星罗棋布的一级学府、大型公园和体育场池,仅仅这一小部分,就可以描绘出一副你向往的墨尔本美丽风景画了。
地处澳洲墨尔本市绝佳地段,毗邻CBD区域。周边配套成熟,交通便利,购物方便,环世界名校环绕,环境优越。“墨尔本大学”,“皇家理工大学”, 知名旅游观光市场——“维多利亚女皇市场”,墨尔本文化中心,城央经济中心及交通枢纽等政治、经济和文化中心均在咫尺之内,步行即至!公寓配套设施一流,套内装饰简约精致,提供给您最舒适的居住环境。公寓采光甚好,视野开阔,可领率叹为观止的景观。
1房1卫 $395,000
2房1卫 $575,000
2房2卫 $560,000
3房2卫 $1,500,000
General amenities
- Air conditioning
- Balcony
- Bedding
- Cable TV
- Cleaning after exit
- Dishwasher
- European range hood
- Fridge
- gas cook top
- gym
- Heating
- Internal Courtyard
- Internet
- Island bench
- Lift
- Lounge
- Marble bench top
- Marble slash back
- Microwave
- Oven
- Parking
- rangehood
- rooftop garden
- Rooftop Terrace
- Swimming pool
- The Resident Club
- Timber floorboard